analysis & visualization of social networks

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visone is a long-term research project (team), in which models and algorithms to integrate and advance the analysis and visualization of social networks are being developed.

an important part of visone is the design and implementation of a software tool intended for research and teaching in social network analysis. It is specifically designed to allow experts and novices alike to apply innovative and advanced visual methods with ease and accuracy.

main features of the visone software

  • interactive graphical user interface, tailored to social networks
  • innovative network visualizations
  • support of unconfirmed relations
  • available in Java for Windows, Linux, and MacOS
  • import and export of standard formats for social network data
  • publication-quality export in JPEG, PDF, SVG, Metafile, and other formats


Please see the downloads section for the latest release news.

May 27, 2011: has been completely renewed

February 1, 2011: visone 2.6.3 is available. This version introduces the R console, Knime connection, import of link lists, dyad attributes and more. Please see the list of changes for more details. Please also note that visone's wiki is now online. Though not yet finished completely, it should greatly help new and experienced users alike to work with visone.

September 13, 2010: visone 2.6.2 is available. This version resolves issues with the Rsiena integration.

June 28, 2010: We have put online a short guide on how to use Rsiena from within visone.

June 28, 2010: visone 2.6.1 is available. This version resolves issues introduced with version 2.6. Please see the list of changes for more details.

June 17, 2010: visone 2.6 is available. This version introduces network collections, dynamic layout and animation functionality and RSiena integration in visone. Please see the list of changes for more details.

June 14, 2010: is now hosted in Konstanz.


the origins of the visone project lie in a single link between the Algorithms & Data Structures Group in the Department of Computer & Information Science, and the Domestic Politics & Public Administration Group in the Department of Politics & Management, both at the University of Konstanz.

The project has since evolved into a network of collaborations, with members in several different universities.

visone milestones
since 2006 stable release of the new software and continued addition of exciting new features
2005 beta-testing of new visone software release
2004 complete rewrite of visone software due to technical limitations of used libraries
2003 stable release of visone software features centrality indices and layouts
2002 first version of visone software released for beta-testing
2001 visone attracts DFG funding within a research cluster on Algorithmics of Large and Complex Networks
2000 experimental implementations of novel visualization methods demonstrated at Sunbelt XX in Vancouver
1999 group members publish first articles on social network visualization
1998 initial results presented at Sunbelt XVIII in Sitges, starting a series of Sunbelt sessions on network visualization
1997 series of invited guest lectures on aspects of social network visualization features Michael Kaufmann, Martin Krampen, David Knoke, Lothar Krempel, and Rudolf Wille
1996 interdisciplinary research group established at the Universität Konstanz, funded by a joint project of Dorothea Wagner and Wolfgang Seibel by the university's Ausschuß für Forschungsfragen; initial group members: Ulrik Brandes, Patrick Kenis, Jörg Raab, and Dorothea Wagner, soon after joined by Volker Schneider


we gratefully acknowledge that the visone project is supported by Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) under grant BR 2158/1-1. Initial funding was provided by Ausschuss für Forschungsfragen (AFF), Universität Konstanz.

the current version of the visone software is build on top of the yFiles graph library from yWorks. The first version used LEDA, the Library of Efficient Data types and Algorithms from Algorithmic Solutions Software GmbH.







visone mascot
visone is italian for mink