Knecht Classroom (data)

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The Knecht Classroom Data were collected by Andrea Knecht (see Knecht A. (2008). Friendship Selection and Friends' Influence. Dynamics of Networks and Actor Attributes in Early Adolescence. PhD dissertation, University of Utrecht.). The full data set contains a large number of classrooms. We use the following one, which is described and available on the the Siena webpage, in the trail on using RSiena from within visone.

Backround (see description on the Siena webpage -> data sets)

This data is about a friendship network in a Dutch school class. The data were collected between September 2003 and June 2004 by Andrea Knecht, supervised by Chris Baerveldt, at the Department of Sociology of the University of Utrecht (NL). The entire study is reported in the above-mentioned dissertation. The project was funded by the Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research NWO, grant 401-01-554.

The 26 students were followed over their first year at secondary school during which friendship networks as well as other data were assessed at four time points at intervals of three months. There were 17 girls and 9 boys in the class, aged 11-13 at the beginning of the school year. Network data were assessed by asking students to indicate up to twelve classmates which they considered good friends.


  • networks: The actual data contains missing values. In the networks available here, we replaced missings by the last observed values in preceding observation if existing or by 0 otherwise. 0 means no friendship and 1 means friendship.
  • covariates: Out of the various available dyadic and individual covariates, we consider
    • constant individual covariate sex: 1 = girl, 2 = boy
    • changing individual covariate alcohol: (How often did you drink alcohol with friends in the last three months?) 1 = never, 2 = once, 3 = 2-4 times, 4 = 5-10 times, 5 = more that 10 times
    • changing dyadic covariate primary: (Have you gone to the same primary school?) 0 = no, 1 = yes
all observations of the classroom friendship network

The data that we provide for download below are taken from the the Siena webpage (see data sets) and slightly modified (in terms of missings).

They are available in two formats (right-click and choose save link as to download):

  • contains all 4 waves as files classroom_graph1.graphml - classroom_graph4.graphml with individual and dyadic covariates as node and dyad attributes.
  • contains the RSiena session file classroom_RSienaSessionFile.csv that specifies an RSiena-data object and all necessary files referred to in classroom_RSienaSessionFile.csv. It can be loaded in the menu file, open by selecting files of type RSiena session files (.txt or .csv or .dat or .prn) (see supported network formats).