File menu
creates (another) tab in the visone window, containing an empty unnamed network (shortcut: Ctrl+n)
opens a file browser, allowing to load an existing network from a supported network format (shortcut: Ctrl+o)
enables random network generation
create copy
creates a copy of the active network
saves modifications to the network or proceeds to save as if network has never been saved yet (shortcut: Ctrl+s)
save as
opens a file browser, allowing to save the active visone tab as GraphML file (.graphml)
opens a file browser, allowing to export the active visone tab to a supported network format or supported picture format
opens a dialog listing available printers
opens the visone option dialog
reset dialog positions
resets the position of currently opended dialog boxes
recent files
the 4 most recently saved or loaded files are listed and can be directly reloaded into a new tab by clicking them
close network
closes the currently active network tab
terminates visone, after prompting to save modifications