Frequently Asked Questions
In this section we collect questions about visone that we received more than once or that don't fit anywhere else.
Not enough memory?
Q: I tried to load/save/export this huge graph/adjacency matrix/pdf file and visone tells me it does not have sufficient memory to complete the operations, what can I do?
A: Give visone more memory! That is achieved quite easily:
- download the visone jar from our website (in the download section) to some directory
- open a console window (terminal on Apple, execute "cmd" in Windows)
- go to your directory with the command e.g. with cd c:\directory under windows or cd /directory on MacOS
- start visone with additional memory using the command: java -Xmx1g -jar visone-2.6.5.jar
in the last step visone-2.6.5.jar is the file you downloaded in step 1 and -Xmx1g provides visone with 1GB of memory. Of course you can allow more depending on your hardware.
Can I make a copy of my graph?
Sometimes, if you already created a nice picture and want to try out something without changing it, it is advisable to work on a copy instead of risking the original.
Q: How can this be done fast and easy?
A: Basically you can copy the whole graph, create a new one and insert your copy directly, use the following steps:
- Ctrl-A (selects everything)
- Ctrl-C (copies)
- Ctrl-N (creates a new graph)
- Ctrl-V (inserts the graph)
But you can also do this in one step by holding Ctrl and pressing the keys ACNV in sequence.