Visualization tab

From visone manual
Revision as of 12:02, 12 April 2011 by Mader (talk | contribs)
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Visualization algorithms change the graphical appearance of the network; they are accesible via the visualization tab. Basic illustrations of how to layout networks or display attribute values are provided in the two trails on visualization and analysis and advanced attribute management.

visone distinguishes between three major visualization categories

  • layout to recompute the positions (coordinates) or nodes, links-bends, or labels to optimize readability or other specified layout criteria;
  • mapping to specify how attribute values (such as node centrality, tie strength, or class membership) are encoded in grapical variables (such as size, width, or color);
  • geometry to apply geometric transformations such as rotation, reflection, or scaling to the network or parts of the network;


node layout

stress minimization

metric MDS

centrality layout

status layout

dynamic layout

stress minimization (dyad attributes)

spring embedder

spectral layout

circular layout

random layout

link routing


label placement









affine transformations


procrustes analysis
