Node selection dialog

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The node selection dialog is called from the nodes menu, enabling convenient selection of node subsets based on a wealth of possible similarities.

Multiple selection conditions and selection operations can be arbitrarily combined.


You have to mark the conditions you want to use in the left column; and let those you do not want to use unmarked.

In general, ordinal visual properties and data attributes allow a selection based on smaller (<), equal (=) or greater (>) values according to a specified threshold (right field). You may also which to set two check marks to create selections based on smaller equal (< and =), greater equal (= and >), or non-equal (< and >) conditions.

Multiple conditions on nominal properties can be combined, performing successive selection operations accordingly.

visual properties

  • shape
  • color
  • border style
  • border color
  • x-coordinate
  • y-coordinate
  • width of shape
  • height of shape


Any node attribute can be incorporated into selection conditions, too. In terms of text attributes, you can ask to match exactly the entered text (entered in the right field), or to contain this text at least as a substring.

incidence with selected links

  • direction: You can select nodes that are the source (out) or sink (in) of at least one selected link. When incident to an undirected link a node is both, a source and a sink of this link.
  • confirms: Similarly, you can select a node based on whether it confirms (yes) at least one selected link or not (no).

adjacency with selected nodes

  • direction: You can select nodes that are the source of a link to at least one selected node (predecessor) or a sink of a link from at least one selected node (successor), respectively. With regard to an undirected link, the incident nodes are both, predecessor and successor of each other.
  • confirms: Similarly, you can select a node based on whether it has confirmed (yes) a link to at least one selected node or not (no).


At the bottom of the selection dialog you have to chose which selection operation should be performed regarding the specified conditions.

  • replace: discards previous selections and creates a new selection with all nodes fulfilling the specified conditions
  • add: adds all nodes fulfilling the specified conditions to current selection
  • remove: removes all nodes fulfilling the specified conditions to current selection
  • restrict: restricts the current selection to all contained nodes fulfilling the specified conditions