list of changes
visone 2.28.1
released 2024-10-31
- UI: the animation window can be opened again from the toolbar
- UI: fixed "select neighbors", "select incident links" and "hide/show label" menu items
- UI: file dialogs to load and save files correctly open in the most recently used directory when the directory path contains a comma
visone 2.28
released 2024-08-07
- general: fixed crash on JDK 21 or newer when applying quick layout to a network
- general: parallel work now supported: while a computation on one network is running, users can usually keep working on other open networks
- general: copy and paste improved and made more robust, e.g., collapsed group nodes are now copied correctly
- IO: fixed two issues that could cause visone to crash when exporting PDF images
- IO: fixed broken preview when importing a CSV file with multiple leading comment lines
- IO: new option to draw selection highlighting during image export
- transformation: major extensions to positional dominance feature
- UI: network names on tabs can be changed by double-clicking tabs
- UI: network tabs can be reordered now using drag and drop
- UI: popup dialogs are no longer opened on Windows after dragging nodes
- UI: on macOS, more nodes can be added to the selection now by pressing the Command key while selecting with the mouse
- UI: fixed confused node and edge property dialogs when working on a network collection while it is being modified
- many other bug fixes and improvements
visone 2.27.1
released 2024-01-25
- restores compatibility with NLP extension
visone 2.27
released 2023-12-20
- help: algorithm information dialog renders formulas again
- IO: fixed incorrect version attribute in produced GML files
- UI: added "save all" and "export all" menu items
- UI: added support for Ctrl+Click on macOS
- UI: improved user experience of the templates dialog
- visualization: fixed rare crash when using overlap removal feature
- other minor bug fixes
visone 2.26
released 2023-05-25
- general: when a closed group node is moved, the coordinates of descendant nodes are maintained correctly in all situations
- transformation: Added stochastic blockmodel sampler
- transformation: Added stability measures for Delaunay triangulations
- UI: reworked the implementation of adding edges in edit mode to improve UI stability
- UI: fixed bug causing attribute lists to be modified when changing other node/edge properties in the properties dialog
- UI: fixed UI misbehavior after using the "close other tabs" menu item
- UI: fixed status bar updates after merging two networks into a new one
- various other bug fixes and improvements
visone 2.25
released 2023-02-08
- general: several fixes and improvements related to the handling of group nodes
- clustering: new option to output all cluster levels produced by the Louvain clustering method
- mapping: background chart of cartesian coordinate mapping no longer gets clipped after saving and reloading
- other minor bug fixes
visone 2.24.1
released 2022-09-07
- general: fixed regression that could result in a half-frozen ui after creating a copy of a network with selected nodes
- ui: fixed minor visual artifact in the open dialog on high-dpi screens when running under JDK 9 or newer on Windows
visone 2.24
released 2022-08-31
- general: some performance improvements when loading and processing larger networks
- attribute manager: fixed a number of bugs in the "select" tab
- extensions: modernized extension mechanism
- io: major improvements to GML reading and writing, especially importing/exporting attributes and networks with group nodes
- io: GraphML import/export handles edge direction now more in line with GraphML specification
- io: fonts get embedded correctly in exported PDFs again
- ui: fixed some unintended behavior of the "restrict selection" box
- transformation: added Delaunay triangulation feature
- visualization: fixed crashes in the overlap removal feature when nodes are placed very close to each other
- visualization: fixed exception when computing backbone layouts on networks with loops
- visualization: more options are offered for computing backbone layouts, which previously were only provided under transformation/Simmelian backbone
- other miscellaneous bug fixes and improvements
NOTE: visone will no longer recognize extensions created for previous releases. If you use an extension, please update to a recent version.
visone 2.23
released 2022-03-21
- mapping: fixed a problem when saving the map background produced by the geographic mercator projection feature
- visualization: non-centroid placement of group node labels is now supported
- visualization: group node shapes are now immediately updated when group nodes are created
visone 2.22
released 2022-03-16
- general: grouping selected nodes behaves more intuitively
- mapping: various improvements to geographic mercator mapping
- visualization: fixed label placement for group nodes when group node coordinates are negative
- other miscellaneous bug fixes
visone 2.21
released 2022-01-10
- IO: fixed Gedcom file parsing
- SVG animation: fixed SVG animation export when node IDs contain special characters such as periods
- UI: the configuration dialog behaves more intuitively
- other miscellaneous bug fixes
visone 2.20
released 2021-08-11
- general: fixed crash on Mac OS X when visone is run on JDK 16
- general: networks with backgrounds are no longer marked as changed after exporting them
- UI: fixed UI crash when the network merge tab is visible after deleting a collection and closing a network
- UI: many other bug fixes improving UI stability
- visualization: fixed repeated rezooming behavior in cartesian coordinates mapping
- transformation: fixed crash when converting loops to node attributes
- node/link properties: fixed various bugs when setting properties on nodes or edges with differing values or when switching between networks
- other miscellaneous bug fixes
visone 2.19
released 2021-03-08
- worked around permission problem on Mac OS X that caused some directories to appear empty in open and save dialogs
- added new option to fix the current initial directories of open and save dialogs in the configuration dialog
- analysis: fixed graph density calculation for directed graphs
- io: fixed bug when importing attributes from CSV files with trailing spaces at line endings
- other miscellaneous bug fixes
visone 2.18
released 2019-10-16
- analysis: added quad census
- analysis: added weighted modularity as network-level statistic
- mapping: fixed issues with geographic mapping
- miscellaneous bug fixes
visone 2.17
released 2017-02-22
- general: added dmg bundle for MacOS
- general: fast rendering mode for large networks
- visualization: added sparse stress layout (for large networks)
- visualization: improved quick layout for large network visualization
- io: improved JSON Reader.
visone 2.16
released 2016-02-12
- general: fixed problems with geographic mapping
- general: fixed export issues
visone 2.15
released 2016-02-01
- general: support of D3-JSON format
- general: added option to open all supported files
visone 2.14b
released 2016-01-19
- modelling: fixed ids of dyadic attributes
visone 2.14
released 2016-01-19
- modelling: fixed reading of RSiena session files
- visualization: extended x/y coordinate mapping to respect selection
- many other bug fixes
visone 2.13
released 2015-10-09
This relase mostly contains bug fixes.
- general: fixed saving/exporting problems under MacOS
- many other bug fixes
visone 2.12
released 2015-08-24
This release mostly contains structural improvements and fixes.
- general: improved open file dialog
- general: improved Mac OS X integration
- general: improved handling of graphmlz files over command line
- extensions: nlp compatibility check attenuated to major version
visone 2.11 {#visone_211}
released 2015-08-09
This release contains several new features and many bug fixes.
- general: fixed attribute and network updating bugs
- analysis: improved DAG longest path as node distance
- analysis: added node connectivity as pairwise node distance
- analysis: added effective resistance as pairwise node distance
- analysis: added reachability as pairwise node distance
- analysis: added link connectivity as pairwise node distance
- visualization: extended backbone layout and many other algorithms to work on multigraphs
- transformation: added transitive reduction
- transformation: improved positional dominance gui
- transformation: added transformation of loops to node attribute
- modeling: fixed rsiena related bug
- attribute manager: added local filtering of directed links based on a link attribute (link - filter - attribute per node)
- fixed Mac OS X freezing bug
- many other bug fixes
visone 2.10 {#visone_210}
released 2015-06-11
This release contains several new features and many bug fixes.
- analysis: added Louvain clustering
- analysis: added triangle k-core
- analysis: DAG longest path as node distance
- mapping: map node label size to node size
- mapping: improved Geographic mapping
- transformation: added positional dominance, a powerful generic concept that unifies the majority of centrality indices and role equivalences (will be extended in the future)
- transformation: loop to node attribute
- attribute manager: added local filtering of links based on a link attribute (link - filter - attribute per node)
- attribute manager: added links filter for homophily edges based on a selected node attribute (link - filter - homophily)
- many other bug fixes
visone 2.9.2 {#visone_292}
released 2015-03-17
This release contains new features and bug fixes.
- Geographic mapping of longitude/latitude attributes with OpenStreetMaps on the background
- bug fixes
visone 2.9.1 {#visone_291}
released 2014-12-19
This release contains mostly bug fixes.
- improved R-connection
- fixed support for gedcom (.ged) files
- fixed problems with attribute manager
visone 2.9 {#visone_29}
released 2014-11-20
This release contains new features and bug fixes.
- zipped GraphML as default format
- fixed problems with group nodes
- added sloppy rendering option, which allows minimalistic rendering for large graphs
- added infobox for currently selected method (also shows up when using the searchbox)
- added network level statistics card (density, avg. degree, connected components, max k-core, and number of nodes in max k-core)
- improved support for UCInet (.dl) files
- many other bugfixes and improvements
visone 2.8.1 {#visone_281}
released 2014-09-30
This release contains many new features and bug fixes.
- search field for easier finding of methods in visone
- mapping of values to shapes and styles of nodes and links
- visualization: backbone layout for untangling hairball graphs (see wiki entry)
- analysis: link embeddedness and sparsification
- improved integration of color brewer colors
- extended color table functionality
visone 2.8 {#visone_28}
released 2014-06-18
This release contains many new features and bug fixes.
- dynamic and interactive force-directed mode
- export of animations to SVG
- support of Dot graph format from GraphViz
- new CSV attribute import/export
- method for node/label overlap removal
- new color schemes for mapping (color brewer)
- many bugfixes
visone 2.7.3 {#visone_273}
released 2013-12-17
fixed copy and paste.
visone 2.7.2 {#visone_272}
released 2013-12-12
This release mainly contains a number of bugfixes.
- fixed freezing problems on MacOS X
- further improvements of the CSV import
- improved Girvan/Newman clustering
- many other bugfixes
visone 2.7.1 {#visone_271}
released 2013-08-26
This release mainly contains a number of bugfixes.
- a complete rework of the R connection
- additional operations
- further improvements of the CSV import
visone 2.7 {#visone_27}
released 2013-05-16
Due to the large number of changes in visone 2.7, we list only the most important changes and new features.
- IO: Completely renewed CSV Import/Export.
- GUI: New, extended attribute manager with more intuitive selection facilities, list editing and much more
- GUI: New visone icon
- GUI: Operations applicable to multiple networks
- GUI: Support for transparent colors
- Visualization: Improved group node visualizations
- Visualization: Treemaps, including Voronoi treemaps for hierarchical networks.
visone 2.6.5 {#visone_265}
released 2012-03-05
New features:
- IO: Import and export of adjacency lists (i.e. in each line the neighbors of a node) is now available.
- IO: Reading, writing and export of group nodes now works properly.
- IO: Load and save of list attribute had a problem which is now fixed.
- IO: Improvments in name proposals on save and export of graphs
- Visualization - Mapping: visone can now map attributes to polar coordinates.
- GUI: New menu entry to remove all group nodes.
- Analysis: Hierarchical clustering based on lamda sets (Borgatti/Everett/Shirey) and edge betweenness (Girvan/Newman).
visone 2.6.4 {#visone_264}
(pre)released 2011-09-13), final release 2011-12-22
New features:
- GUI: visone console, accessible via the toolbar, replaces the R-console tab and Knime menu/button. Additionally provides a message log. The connection to Knime is now fully operational (cf. their new network mining plugin).
- GUI: Interaction: The editing mode for manual node and link creation can be accessed by switching the toggle button in the toolbar. Additionally, normal mode now allows zooming to an area by dragging a window with the right mouse-button while holding down the "ctrl"-key.
- GUI: Default node and link templates have been changed. Default nodes are now round and grey.
- Attributes: An overview of values for dyad attributes is now available in the attribute manager.
- Analysis - RSiena: The RSiena interface can now handle missing data and structural ones and zeros.
- Visualization - Geometry: The animation of geometric transformations can now be turned off (useful for larger networks).
- Tranformation: merging of selected nodes, including operations for attribute processing in the merge.
- Analysis/NLP extension: crawling of links and grabbing of text from websites.
- Configuration: The visone configuration folder ".visone" (holding global templates, last used configurations for csv-files, etc.), that was previously saved in the folder from which visone was started, will now be saved in you home folder (Linux) or your Documents folder (Windows). Thus, all instances of visone run on a machine by the same user should share the configurations now.
- Group nodes: Option to remove all group nodes at once.
Error fixes and other changes:
- GUI: The "clear background" button was removed from the toolbar. Background information may still be removed via the view menu.
- Visualization - Mapping: The mappings for node/link label color and size have been moved from the label category to color and size categories.
- IO: link list import now uses the same separator and text frame characters as other csv-based imports.
- Some typos have been fixed.
- Event-handling was improved for larger networks and visone now has a better handling of situation where memory is insufficient.
- Save and export operations now warn before overwriting files and the directory last used is memorized. In addition the handling of file name proposals is improved.
Open problem:
- Group Nodes: are currently not saved to files and can therefore be only used in image exports, we are working on that and will hopefully fix it for the next version.
visone 2.6.3 {#visone_263}
released 2011-02-01
New features:
- IO / Analysis: New tab R Console provides the possibility to send/receive networks including attributes to/from an R-environment, where these can be manipulated directly. In R, networks are represented by the igraph library.
- IO / Analysis: Knime connection: Networks may be sent/received to/from a running Knime instance, a powerful visual data mining tool developed at the University Konstanz.
- IO: Link list import: Networks can now be opened from csv-style link lists. The first two columns in the csv-file must contain node identifiers corresponding to source and target node; additional columns are considered as additional link attributes.
- IO / Attributes: New attribute type dyad attributes: Dyad attributes provide a way to encode attribute values for each pair of nodes (dyads), mainly used with RSiena. Dyad attributes may be imported and exported from/to csv-files using the attribute manager.
- Transformation: New network-level transformation “dyad graph” creates a complete graph from the current network displaying all dyads as links and converting all dyad attributes to link attributes of the dyad graph.
- Visualization - Layout: Added a layout algorithm “stress minimization (dyad attributes)” to represent distances given by dyad attributes.
- Visualization - Layout: Slight changes in the GUI for dynamic layouts. Added a new layout algorithm “linked layout” that links each node to each of its instances in other networks, and the possibility to calculate and apply an “aggregated layout” to a network collection.
- Visualization - Geometry: Procrustes analysis: added the option to consecutively perform a procrustes transformation to the previous network in a collection.
- Visualization: Added an option to apply visualization algorithms to all open networks. Please note that mapping algorithms are applied to networks individually; thus, if a visualization is applied to all open networks, colors, sizes etc. do not share a common scale.
- GUI: Simplified selection tab.
- GUI: Option added to save/discard all changes to networks if several networks are closed (i.e., when closing visone or if “close all tabs” / “close other tabs” in the context menu of a network tab is performed).
Error Fixes
- GUI: Bendpoints of links are now moved with the selection in analysis mode.
visone 2.6.2 {#visone_262}
released 2010-09-13
Error fixes:
- Analysis - RSiena: Data is now correctly transferred to R. Previously, matrices were transported to R in transposed form.
visone 2.6.1 {#visone_261}
released 2010-06-28
Error fixes:
- IO: resolved a problem when loading/saving graphs.
- IO: resolved a problem that caused image exports to be too large.
- GUI: Templates now incorporate label font and font-size.
visone 2.6 {#visone_26}
released 2010-06-17
New features:
- GUI: Templates: Added legend functionality. For any node or link templates one may now specify to show them in a draggable legend. Moreover, templates are stored now with each network in the .graphml file (checkbox 'local'), and/or stored globally in visone configurations file (checkbox 'global').
- GUI: Network collections: Network collections provide the possibility to semantically encapsualte a (sub)set ot the currently opened networks. Currently, this needs to be done for dynamic layouts or RSiena functionality. Network collections are administrated via the network collection manager button in the visone toolbar. Please note that while a network is part of a collection it may not be edited anymore (node/link insertion/deletion).
- IO: RSiena session files may now be loaded via the open dialog. A network collection is automatically created with a name given by the user.
- Analysis - RSiena: RSiena integration: Interface for analyzing network collections with RSiena directly from within visone. Options for R-connection have to be properly set in file → options → R - connection.
- Visualization - Layout: Dynamic layout: Networks in a collection may be laid out together by an dynamic layout approach using anchored stress minimization. The reference network to anchor with may be selected as either one of the collection, a newly created aggregation network, or the previous network in sequence of the collection.
- Visualization - Geometry: Procrustes analysis: A procrustes transformation can be applied to the networks of a network collection. This operation tries to translate and optionally rotate/dilate a network layout such that it best fits the given reference network.
- GUI: Animation player: The networks of the currently active network collection may be interactively animated. Accessible via the animation player button in the toolbar.
- GUI: Zoom: Fit all networks button zooms each open network such that all networks have a common viewport.
Error Fixes:
- GUI: Undo/Redo: Disabled for now due to unpredictable behavior. We hope to bring a stable Undo/Redo back as soon as possible.
visone 2.5.1 {#visone_251}
released 2009-08-25
New features:
- Attributes: It is now possible to import edge attributes into the network by an adjacency matrix in csv format, similar to graph import by adjacency matrix. See Attribute Manager → Edges → Export & Import. Row/Column-labels may be used to match rows/columns to the ids of the nodes in the network.
Error Fixes:
- Visualization - Layout: Centrality Layout now keeps the size of the nodes when applied more than once.
- Visualizaation - Layout: Status Layout now optionally provides drawing of status niveaus.
- IO: Background information, i.e., radial/status niveaus are now exported with the graph.
visone 2.5 {#visone_25}
released 2009-06-30
New features:
- Analysis: Integration of SIENA. Available through the analysis tab in section modelling. Does work for Windows and Linux.
- Attributes: Enhanced attribute inspector to attribute manager. Includes all operations for inspecting, configuring, manipulating, importing and exporting attributes (some of the functionality was previously accessed through the nodes and links menu). Can be started by the button in the toolbar or by the button in the selections tab.
- Data: Basic support of hierarchical networks: Nodes may be grouped/ungrouped together by right-clicking a selection and applying 'group'/'ungroup'. I/O supported when graphML is used. Nodes may be grouped by attribute values automatically in the transformations tab with the section 'nodes → group by attribute'. Note: Analysis algorithms are applied to the current state of a hierarchical graph, i.e. if a group node is in collapsed state, centralities, for example, will be calculated for the group node and not its children.
- Transformation: Bibliographic operations in the network section, i.e. squaring the adjacency matrix A, bibliographic coupling (A x A^T) and co-citation (A^T x A).
- GUI: Number of decimal places in any visual representation of all decimal attribute values in visone may now be configured in the 'File → Options' dialog.
Error Fixes:
- IO: Fixed a problem with jpeg-export.
- GUI: Draw multi-links option in the view menu now works properly.
- GUI: Networks are now properly marked as changed when attributes change.
- GUI: Resolved several smaller gui problems, like wrong update of overview window.
visone 2.4 {#visone_24}
released 2009-03-06
This is a major release. Most noticeable changes:
- Analysis: added link betweenness and centralities based on link graph. Also the link graph is now available through the transformations tab.
- Analysis: added clustering algorithms
- Analysis: added node distances - distance from selected sources to compute the graph theoretic distances from selected nodes. If more than one node is selected the resulting attribute is the minimal distance to one of the selected nodes.
- Visualization - Layout: added a quick-layout, i.e. MDS and Stress-majorization, available through the quick-layout-button in the toolbar. The quick-layout is applied to all graphs generated with the random graph generators.
- Visualization - Layout: centrality layout: a radial layout based on attribute values, e.g. centralities; previously called radial visualization
- Visualization - Layout: added status layout: a Sugiyama-style layered layout where the layering is determined by attribute values
- Visualization - Mapping: mapping to Coordinates - Cartesian: either y- or x-axis positions are assigned according to a given node attribute
- Attributes: added the attribute inspector, a tool to inspect all attributes of (the current selections on) the active network
- Attribute: new attribute operation rank computes the ranking of the elements according to attribute values
There are also a number of changes to the user interface:
- new common visualization tab contains all methods from the layout menu, the geometry tab, and the old visualization tab
- layout: all graph layout algorithms from the layout menu, e.g. random, MDS, stress, link routing, and label placement. Options are initially hidden from the user since most likely there is no need to specify them.
- mapping: all visualizations of attribute values, e.g. coloring, size, position
- geometry: translation, rotation, and scaling operations
transformation tab: contains link transformations and link graph
link transformation: the transformations previously found in the links menu, e.g. simplification, merging of edges
link graph: creates a graph with a node for each link. This graph is internally used for some of the link centralities.
attributes tab: previously called selections, contains a new button to start the attribute inspector
templates: template functionality is now found in the nodes and links menus
visone 2.3.5 {#visone_235}
released 2008-06-25
Error fix:
- IO: on Windows systems saving to already existing files did not work
visone 2.3.4 {#visone_234}
released 2008-04-22
Error fixes:
- Analysis: fixed an error in the algorithm for strongly connected components (thanks to Ivan Ricotti for reporting)
- IO: added all missing export formats (EMF, EPS, and SWF) to the Web Start version
visone 2.3.3 {#visone_233}
released 2008-03-03
Error fix:
- IO: on Windows systems saving erroneously appended the date to the filename
visone 2.3.2 {#visone_232}
released 2008-02-13
Error fixes:
- GUI: attribute dialog: change the type of an attribute properly
- GUI: color chooser button: works now in the selection dialog and in the visualization panel
- GUI: selection dialog: decimal attributes can now be used
visone 2.3.1 {#visone_231}
released 2008-02-11
Error fixes:
- changed requirements from Java 6 back to Java 5
- IO: export: some export formats were missing in the Web Start version
- IO: cra import: corrected some errors
- GUI: dialog windows: fixed some problems of open dialog windows without an open network
visone 2.3.0 {#visone_230}
released 2008-01-25
This is major release. Important changes include:
- Analysis: added current flow betweenness and current flow closeness
- Analysis: centrality values for unweighted networks can be standardized
- Analysis: allow edge weights for more centralities
- Analysis: fixed some issues with centralities of weighted and non-connected networks
- Visualization: simplified the interface and added some more basic visualizations, e.g. label size, label color
- Visualization: improved the visualization of groups
- Layout: added stress minimization and improved classical MDS
- IO: export to other formats is more reliable
- … and many other fixed errors
visone 2.2.11 {#visone_2211}
released 2007-10-15
Error fixes:
- IO: Attribute import and export: fixed dialog window
- IO: Network export: added missing export formats, e.g. dl, csv
visone 2.2.10 {#visone_2210}
released 2007-04-27
New Feature:
- GUI: Template panel: added controls for default direction and confirmation of links
- Layout: Colored link: added a visualization for colored links similar to colored nodes
- Layout: Visualization 'Color': allow color gradients to tint nodes and links
Error fixes:
- IO: CSV files: ignore first cell if option 'merge delimiters' is not set
- Layout: Link width: scale width according to values assigns very similar widths
visone 2.2.9 {#visone_229}
released 2007-03-16
New Feature:
- IO: Added new image export formats: EPS, EMF (WMF), and Flash SWF
Error fixes:
- IO: csv files: import of some csv files failed
- GUI: templates: create link templates was broken
visone 2.2.8 {#visone_228}
released 2007-03-06
Error fixes:
- IO: DL files: reading dl files created by UCINET does not work
visone 2.2.7 {#visone_227}
released 2007-01-26
Error fixes:
- Analysis: Degree centrality: in- and out-degree centrality analysis always compute degree centrality
visone 2.2.6 {#visone_226}
released 2007-01-15
New features:
- Layout: new layout algorithm Metric MDS
- Analysis: an analysis can be performed on multiple networks simultaneously
Error fixes:
- GUI: Properties dialog: the attribute tab shows no entries
- GUI: Selection dialog: the dialog is not correctly updated on network changes
- Layout: Radial layout: computing a radial layout breaks visone
visone 2.2.5 {#visone_225}
released 2006-11-27
Error fixes:
- IO: CSV import: add a file preview tab to the options dialog
- IO: CSV files: export adds [ and ] around each line
- IO: CSV files: import of files without row labels does not work
- IO: CSV files: a NullPointerException is thrown
- IO: CSV files: add presets for the most used programs
- IO: Open Network: a new network tab appears before the open process is finished
- GUI: Groups tab: the selected nodes/links do not match the selected lines in the groups table
visone 2.2.4 {#visone_224}
released 2006-11-16
New Features:
- Analysis: consider only confirmed or selected links for degree centrality
- Analysis: consider only confirmed or selected links for clustering coefficient
- Analysis: [Layout] allow the selection of an arbitrary attribute there a partition is needed, e.g. for node coloring
- Layout: use arbitrary link width in link width visualization
- IO: csv files: new import option 'merge empty cells' (useful for files generated by UCINET)
- IO: csv files: sort exported matrix according to node labels
- GUI: improved the panel for the selection of analysis algorithms
- GUI: improved the panel for the selection of visualization methods
- GUI: improved the panel for the selection of geometric transformations
Error fixes:
- IO: csv files: the options dialog was not displayed
- IO: dl files: the parser was too strict and rejected some files generated by UCINET
- GUI: fixed some errors then no network is displayed
- SELECTION: fixed error in substring selection
visone 2.2.3 {#visone_223}
released 2006-10-27
Error fixes:
- Layout: improved edge length in uniform layouts
- Layout: layouts no longer insert bends
- MISC: fixed error with Java Webstart
- IO: fixed error in export to images
visone 2.2.2 {#visone_222}
released 2006-10-26
New features and error fixes:
- Layout: added edges of arbitrary width
- Layout: added geometric layout transformers: scale, rotate, translate
- IO: fixed error loading some UCINET files
- IO: fixed error loading and saving attribute data to/from csv files
- GUI: fixed error displaying some texts
- GUI: fixed error in invert selection commands
- and many other small changes
visone 2.2.1 {#visone_221}
released 2006-08-07
Bug fix:
- IO: image export: paint nodes over links
visone 2.2 {#visone_22}
released 2006-07-31
Details will follow.
visone 2.1 {#visone_21}
released 2006-05-18
Added more analysis methods and visualization techniques.
visone 2.0.2 {#visone_202}
released 2006-01-18
Bug fixes:
- Other: all configuration files are now stored to the separate directory ”.visone”
- Analysis: improved the clique and clan analysis algorithms
- GUI: Templates: corrected many problems with the template lists
- GUI: fixed an exception in “New Network” then attributes existed
visone 2.0.1 {#visone_201}
released 2006-01-04
Bug fixes:
- Other: added missing libraries
- IO: GraphML files: fixed loading of GraphML files
- IO: vsn files: fixed loading of vsn files saved with visone 1.1
visone 2.0 {#visone_20}
released 2005-12-24
New features:
- Analysis: Group analysis: added algorithms for cliques, k-cliques, k-clans
- Other: Simplify command: combines parallel links
- Data: Integer data type: added integer as forth data type for attributes
- GUI: Edge confirmation: unconfirmed links are displayed with hollow arrows
Bug fixes:
- GUI: Multi-links: draw multi-links as parallel line, not on top of each other
- GUI: Selection dialog: improved selection by attribute values
- GUI: Undo: now handles complex commands (i.e. layout algorithms)
- GUI: The view should scroll then creating an edge across the windows borders
- and many more
visone 2.0.0rc3 {#visone_200rc3}
released 2005-11-22
New features:
- Layout: Organic layout: set good parameters for organic layout automatically
- Layout: Circular layout: split algo in two parts, radius assignment and crossing
- GUI: New network: use default node and link templates for displaying a new network
- GUI: General Options Dialog: improve appearance
- GUI: Status bar: add a status bar to the main window
- GUI: Selection dialog: add incidence selection criteria and other improvements
Bug fixes:
- Layout: Circular layout: the algo does not terminate
- IO: UCINET: in some networks each node appears twice
- GUI: Node properties: many improvements and fixes
- GUI: Selection dialog: selection dialog does not select correct elements
- GUI: Mouse edge selection: mouse selection box selects wrong edges
- GUI: Zoom: the toolbar zoom box shows a wrong value
visone 2.0.0rc2 {#visone_200rc2}
released 2005-09-20
Fixed some errors.
- IO: UCINET: allow uppercase key words
- IO: VSN: fixed loading/saving of .gw and .vsn files
- Layout: Node width/height visualization: add automatic scaling (like in visone 1.1)
- Other: fixed 'missing programText resource' exception
visone 2.0.0rc1 {#visone_200rc1}
released 2005-09-08

visone is italian for mink