list of changes
visone 2.28.1
released 2024-10-31
- UI: the animation window can be opened again from the toolbar
- UI: fixed "select neighbors", "select incident links" and "hide/show label" menu items
- UI: file dialogs to load and save files correctly open in the most recently used directory when the directory path contains a comma
visone 2.28
released 2024-08-07
- general: fixed crash on JDK 21 or newer when applying quick layout to a network
- general: parallel work now supported: while a computation on one network is running, users can usually keep working on other open networks
- general: copy and paste improved and made more robust, e.g., collapsed group nodes are now copied correctly
- IO: fixed two issues that could cause visone to crash when exporting PDF images
- IO: fixed broken preview when importing a CSV file with multiple leading comment lines
- IO: new option to draw selection highlighting during image export
- transformation: major extensions to positional dominance feature
- UI: network names on tabs can be changed by double-clicking tabs
- UI: network tabs can be reordered now using drag and drop
- UI: popup dialogs are no longer opened on Windows after dragging nodes
- UI: on macOS, more nodes can be added to the selection now by pressing the Command key while selecting with the mouse
- UI: fixed confused node and edge property dialogs when working on a network collection while it is being modified
- many other bug fixes and improvements
visone 2.27.1
released 2024-01-25
- restores compatibility with NLP extension
visone 2.27
released 2023-12-20
- help: algorithm information dialog renders formulas again
- IO: fixed incorrect version attribute in produced GML files
- UI: added "save all" and "export all" menu items
- UI: added support for Ctrl+Click on macOS
- UI: improved user experience of the templates dialog
- visualization: fixed rare crash when using overlap removal feature
- other minor bug fixes
visone 2.26
released 2023-05-25
- general: when a closed group node is moved, the coordinates of descendant nodes are maintained correctly in all situations
- transformation: Added stochastic blockmodel sampler
- transformation: Added stability measures for Delaunay triangulations
- UI: reworked the implementation of adding edges in edit mode to improve UI stability
- UI: fixed bug causing attribute lists to be modified when changing other node/edge properties in the properties dialog
- UI: fixed UI misbehavior after using the "close other tabs" menu item
- UI: fixed status bar updates after merging two networks into a new one
- various other bug fixes and improvements
visone 2.25
released 2023-02-08
- general: several fixes and improvements related to the handling of group nodes
- clustering: new option to output all cluster levels produced by the Louvain clustering method
- mapping: background chart of cartesian coordinate mapping no longer gets clipped after saving and reloading
- other minor bug fixes
visone 2.24.1
released 2022-09-07
- general: fixed regression that could result in a half-frozen ui after creating a copy of a network with selected nodes
- ui: fixed minor visual artifact in the open dialog on high-dpi screens when running under JDK 9 or newer on Windows
visone 2.24
released 2022-08-31
- general: some performance improvements when loading and processing larger networks
- attribute manager: fixed a number of bugs in the "select" tab
- extensions: modernized extension mechanism
- io: major improvements to GML reading and writing, especially importing/exporting attributes and networks with group nodes
- io: GraphML import/export handles edge direction now more in line with GraphML specification
- io: fonts get embedded correctly in exported PDFs again
- ui: fixed some unintended behavior of the "restrict selection" box
- transformation: added Delaunay triangulation feature
- visualization: fixed crashes in the overlap removal feature when nodes are placed very close to each other
- visualization: fixed exception when computing backbone layouts on networks with loops
- visualization: more options are offered for computing backbone layouts, which previously were only provided under transformation/Simmelian backbone
- other miscellaneous bug fixes and improvements
NOTE: visone will no longer recognize extensions created for previous releases. If you use an extension, please update to a recent version.
visone 2.23
released 2022-03-21
- mapping: fixed a problem when saving the map background produced by the geographic mercator projection feature
- visualization: non-centroid placement of group node labels is now supported
- visualization: group node shapes are now immediately updated when group nodes are created
visone 2.22
released 2022-03-16
- general: grouping selected nodes behaves more intuitively
- mapping: various improvements to geographic mercator mapping
- visualization: fixed label placement for group nodes when group node coordinates are negative
- other miscellaneous bug fixes
visone 2.21
released 2022-01-10
- IO: fixed Gedcom file parsing
- SVG animation: fixed SVG animation export when node IDs contain special characters such as periods
- UI: the configuration dialog behaves more intuitively
- other miscellaneous bug fixes
visone 2.20
released 2021-08-11
- general: fixed crash on Mac OS X when visone is run on JDK 16
- general: networks with backgrounds are no longer marked as changed after exporting them
- UI: fixed UI crash when the network merge tab is visible after deleting a collection and closing a network